Exotic spices from Vietnam

On the world spice map, there are spices that come from faraway countries and often have unique flavors and aromas. They have been used in different cultures for centuries and called exotic spices.

Thanks to the strong international integration including the culinary sector, some exotic spices became popular  worldwide such as Saffron, Sichuan pepper, Sumac, Fennel seeds, Black cardamom…These exotic spices bring a breath of fresh air to your dishes and open up a world of taste sensations.

As a very famous country for its cuisine, Vietnam also has amazing exotic spices. They are all derived from the mountains and forests, completely natural with different flavors. And hope some day the world would know more about them. Let’s explore these exotic spices with Doispice:

Doi seeds (Talauma)

Doi seeds or Talauma (Hạt Dổi) known as Michelia Tonkinensis A.Chev, are found in some Northwest provinces of Vietnam. They are woody, tall, upright plants with few branches and leaves. There are decades – or even up to century-old Doi trees of up to 30m height which produce excellent seeds. Doi seeds are harvested during September and November annually. The fresh seeds remain red, and turn black after getting dried under sunshine. Their taste is very specific and attractive as well. Their strong acridity and passionate fragrance will leave a long-life memory in anyone right from their first try. Doispice can be applied in different ways in preparing dishes, from baking, stir-frying, soup to preparing sauces. Just a few Doi seeds are enough to make your dishes special. For more informations…

Mac khen pepper

Mac khen pepper (Mắc Khén) or wild forest pepper is scientifically known as Zanthoxylum Rhetsa, belonging to Rutaceae family. This is a woody plant with a height of 14 – 18m, straight trunk, and many thorns. It blooms in June – July and gets harvested in October – November. Its fruit is in bunches, originally green and then turns into pink upon ripe. Its seed’s taste is slightly spicy and very aromatic, used as a popular spice of ethnic minorities in northwest Vietnam. The indigenous people here consider Mac Khen not only as the soul of the dish but also as their culture and identity. For more informations…

Lemon pepper (Maqaw)

Maqaw (or also known as Màng Tang or Lemon pepper or May Chang) is scientifically known as Litsea Cubeba, belonging to the Lauraceae family. This is an evergreen tree , 5-12m high, usually growing in mountainous areas. It is native to Southeast Asia and China. The tree usually blooms in the spring and summer and get harvested during July-August. Its fruit is green and then turns black upon its ripe. The fruit size is similar to pepper, as such it is also called mountain pepper. For more informations…

Mac mat fruits

Macmat tree is scientifically known as Clausena indica, belonging to Rutaceae family. This is a woody plant with a height of 3 to 7 m, often growing on limestone mountains in the northern provinces of Vietnam. It blooms in March to June, and get harvested in July to September. The Macmat fruit is green and then turns to light yellow upon ripe. With sweet and sour taste and great aroma, Macmat is often used by the locals as a spice in many dishes. For more informations…

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