Exporting a batch of Mac Khen pepper and Lemon pepper (Maqaw or Maychang) to Germany

Wild Pepper

Among Doispice’s spices, Mac Khen pepper and Lemon pepper are being interested by many foreign customers. Including a spice importer in Germany, they evaluate these two spices have a very attractive taste and are suitable for European tastes and preferences.

At the request of the customer, Doispice sent them samples for pre-test in the laboratories. The German guest was very satisfied with the test results because the criteria were all achieved, especially those of pesticide residues. Not surprisingly, this is the strength of Doispice because these spices are all grown and exploited naturally. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is completely unnecessary.

Harvest of Lemon and Mac khen pepper

After that, the customer ordered 1 ton of Mac Khen and 1 ton of Lemon pepper, as the first trial application to open the market in Germany. Although the order is not very big, the preparation is not simple at all because the customer demands very high quality. With Mac Khen, make sure to clean most of the stalks and black seeds, just take the outer shell. As for Lemon pepper, it is necessary to choose black, uniform and glossy seeds. Then Doispice had to mobilize a lot of manpower, working very carefully within 2 weeks to complete the order.

Preparation for the export order

After more than 1 month of shipping by sea, the customer received the goods and expressed satisfaction with the preparation of Doispice. We hope that these two spices will be well received by consumers in Germany. So Doispice can develop the market not only in Germany but also other countries in the EU.

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